When the new industrial revolution of “Industrial 4.0” comes, China has lost no time in putting forward the strategy of “Made in China 2025”, which will inject a strong driving force into the development of China’s manufacturing industry and bring unlimited business opportunities to the sensor industry. The core driving force of “Made in China 2025” is to grasp intelligent manufacturing, which is the fundamental path to solve the problem of China’s manufacturing industry from a big country to a powerful country. Made-in-China 2025 is an upgraded version of Made-in-China, which embodies four major changes, one main line and eight countermeasures. Four transformations: from factor-driven to innovation-driven; from low-cost competitive advantage to quality-benefit competitive advantage; from extensive manufacturing with high resource consumption and pollutant emission to green manufacturing; from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing.
One main line: digital, networked and intelligent manufacturing, which embodies the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing technology, is the main line. Eight countermeasures: promoting digital, networked and intelligent manufacturing; improving product design capability; perfecting technological innovation system of manufacturing industry; strengthening manufacturing foundation; improving product quality; promoting green manufacturing; cultivating enterprise groups with global competitiveness and advantageous industries; and developing modern manufacturing service industry.